
Sunday, March 1, 2020

is Berni A Socialist?

Image result for democrats socialism

The Republicans are already piling on the communism band wagon. What I means ix the "Benri is a communist" wagon. Another variation is 'socialism is communism and it's a night mare." They canot distinguish between  socialism and communism. Everyone knows there's a difference. No serous educated person thinks Sanders is a real communist but prepare to hear that 24/7. If he gets the nomination they will be saying that every day a thousand   times a day.

In Texas the Reubs have an ad with perfect circular reasoning. Textboook. They have a guy with a Scandinavian accent saying "I am from Denmark. Denmark is not  socialist because it;s not communist and it;s not a nightmare to live in,"  By definition socialism must be bad. But look Beri points to Denmark as an example of his kind of socialism they say that's not socialism then that must mean Beri  is not a socialist,so then what;s the basis for calling him communist?